Tuesday 27 August 2013

Kluski anyone?

Since our friend Alex was staying with us for a while before he found a new apartment, he decided to repay us by making a homemade Polish soup called kluski that his family makes.  He got chicken from the store to flavour the broth and even made the noodles from scratch!  This soup was like a Polish chicken noodle ... pretty tasty!

Back in Vietnam for year 3!

It's been a while since I updated the blog.  We started our third year teaching here and things have been busy!  I started a new grade (5) which is so different from grade 1!  I like it but I'm still getting used to it.  I have 18 students in my class (10 boys, 8 girls) from countries such as Vietnam, Korea, and Japan.

Can you spot us in the staff photo?
I had an awesome summer back home in Canada - visiting family and friends and making a trip to PEI.  It was great to see everyone... thanks for a fun summer!!!

After a super long day of travel, I arrived back in Vietnam.  On the plane I watched several movies and TV shows, ate Korean food, and slept for about 20 minutes, yikes!!!  Oh well... we are now starting to fall into routines back in Vietnam.  Luckily, we have a long weekend coming up for Vietnam National Day.  The destination is once again... MUI NE!  I guess we just can't get enough of that place.  A teacher from school was organizing a bus there again, so we decided to go with it.  I'll post more about that after the weekend!