Sunday 26 August 2012

New year, fresh start

Last Tuesday was the first day of school.  This year, our class has 16 students (10 girls and 6 boys).  There are students from Vietnam, China, Korea, and the USA.  I'm very happy with our class so far this year.  I also have a new teaching partner, Ms. Thuy Anh (pronounced like "twee ann") who I really like.

Last week, the school owners took the staff out for dinner to a Brazilian steakhouse restaurant.  The food was probably pretty expensive, but luckily we didn't have to pay for anything.  I had never been to this type of restaurant before.  The servers come around with huge slabs of meat on these big skewer things and they put it on your plate and shave off the meat.  It was really good!

Next weekend is Vietnamese National Day, so Monday is a holiday.  A large group of friends are going to Mui Ne again for the long weekend.  We went there last year for the holiday, and it was a lot of fun.  I hope this year we'll have another great trip there.  It's nice to have a holiday so early on in the school year... looking forward to hitting the beach next weekend!


  1. Sounds like you have a promising class. More girls than boys in primary is always a good thing. I believe there is a Brazilian steakhouse in Windsor with the same theme of all you could eat meat. Hope you have a great year!! Love you.

  2. Have fun in Mui Ne !!! Year two is always better than year 1, so enjoy it!
