Monday 28 January 2013

A free night in Dubai, and on to Prague!

Our trip to Europe began with a flight on Emirates Airline to Prague, connecting in Dubai.  Emirates is a great airline and since we had over 8 hours in between our flights from HCMC-Dubai and Dubai-Prague, we qualified for the free stopover program (free hotel near airport including free breakfast, and complimentary transit visa).  Unfortunately, we arrived late at night and had to wait a long time in the lines in the Dubai airport to get through immigration.  By the time we got through and took the free shuttle to the hotel, we only had a few hours to sleep, shower, eat a delicious free breakfast, then shuttle back to the hotel for our flight to Prague.  Even for a few hours, it was worth it!

The flight to Prague was great... I had the most delicious meal I've ever had on an airplane (Arabian "mezze").  We arrived in Prague to cold temperatures and a few flurries.  Luckily we had stocked up on cold weather clothing at the Russian market before going to Europe!

Prague was a beautiful city.  We were staying at a guesthouse only a few steps away from the old town square, where a big Christmas market was being held.  At the Christmas market there were tons of delicious snacks, mulled wine, and touristy souvenirs.  There was even a manger complete with animals and a HUGE Christmas tree.  It was so festive!

Trdelnik... delicious pastry covered in sugar and nuts.  Yum!  This was all over the Christmas markets.

On our second day in Prague we did a day trip to Kutna Hora, just a short train ride away.  We visited the famous Sedlec Ossuary which exists under a small Catholic church.  The ossuary was built after the cemetery became overcrowded with bodies after the plague.  The place has bones of somewhere between 40,000 and 70,000 people.  The bones are even arranged into a chandelier!  It was interesting and creepy at the same time.
Sedlec Ossuary in Kutna Hora

In Prague we also did 2 walking tours, one of the city and one of Prague Castle.  If anyone is ever going to Europe, I would highly recommend the tour company Sandeman's New Europe.  They do excellent tours in many cities across Europe, including free city walking tours.  Very informative and a great way to orient yourself to new surroundings.

Anyway, continuing on... Since we were celebrating the Christmas holiday in Europe, we went to midnight mass at St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle.  John and I walked back from the castle after the mass and he proposed to me on the Charles Bridge!!!  I was surprised and happy about it, and obviously I said yes!!!  Prague will always be a place we remember because we got engaged there!

View of Prague from Clock Tower in Old Town Square
John and I with the Charles Bridge in the background!

Prague was one of the nicest cities I've seen in Europe due to its charm... old churches, cobblestone streets, cute shops, cozy Christmas market stalls... I hope we can visit again some day!!!

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