Friday 8 November 2013

Halloween in Ho Chi Minh City

This post is coming late, but another Halloween in HCMC has come and gone!  We had fun at school dressing up.  For the past 2 years I was a bee, but this year I decided to be a witch since it was pretty easy to throw together.  I had a black dress and Jess lent me her witch cape.  All I had to do was buy a hat for $4 which had the grey witch hair built in.  Perfect!  John was a baseball player.  From school he went straight to softball practice... I think he planned that.

At school Halloween was really fun for the students.  The grade 5 classes watched the movie "Casper" (a Halloween classic!), visited a "haunted house" put on by the grade 8s, and then we played a bunch of Halloween games in our classroom and passed out candy.  At the end of the day there was a Halloween dance for junior grades.  Everyone went to the theatre to party.  It was the best Halloween I've spent in Vietnam I think.

The weekend before Halloween I went to a house party and everyone was dressed up.  It was hilarious to see everyone's costumes!

L-R:  Lady Gaga, Witch, Katy Perry, Grandma, Wonder Woman, Shakira, Taylor Swift, Minnie Mouse

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