Friday 13 December 2013

Christmas season in Saigon

Christmas is just around the corner!  Despite the fact that it is over 30 degrees every day with no snow in sight, the city is feeling Christmas-y.  Downtown there are beautiful Christmas displays at department stores, lights on the palm trees in our apartment complex, and festive events going on around town.

Some friends and I attended a performance of "The Nutracker" at the opera house.  It was just like being back at home, except all the performers were Asian, haha!  I really like going to the Saigon Opera House - it's cool being there, you feel instantly sophisticated!

 Last weekend John and I went out for a nice dinner with friends, and then attended a Christmas concert put on by the city's international choir.  Two teachers from school were performing.  It was held at a convent, and it was packed.  We were at the back with a bunch of happy nuns!

At school we've also been decorating.  In our classroom we put up paper chains, snowflakes, a wreath made of recycled items, and Christmas tree art.  Next week is the last week before Christmas holiday so we'll also be watching some Christmas movies and having a small party.

At our apartment I decorated our fake plant with Christmas ornaments and lights.  We have also put out our Christmas cards (thank you!) and John's "Decembear."

Even being half a world away from home, we still get to experience the excitement of Christmas.  Less than 2 weeks away now!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. It is difficult for us to imagine Christmas WITHOUT snow!
