Saturday 12 April 2014

The Next Destination: Revealed!

If you haven't guessed by the clues last time, our Next Destination is TAIWAN!

Here's a pic of the former world's tallest building (Taipei 101).  I'm hoping to visit the top!  On our trip I hope we can spend a bit of time in Taipei (the biggest city on the island), and then head out to the hot springs in the mountains to enjoy some nature.  There is some debate over whether Taiwan is to be considered a country or not, as it still has ties to mainland China and is regarded as a State.  However, Taiwan maintains its own government, military, and currency.  You be the judge!

The good thing is that we can fly to Taipei directly from HCMC and it will take less than 3.5 hours.  That will be a nice change since we usually have to connect through Kuala Lumpur or Bangkok to go places.  The countdown to Taiwan is on...

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