Saturday 4 February 2017

Cusco - Part 2, the end of our Peruvian adventure :(

After spending a wonderful day exploring Maras, Moray, and Chincheros, we said goodbye to Henry and were dropped off in Cusco at our hotel in the afternoon.

We spent part of the afternoon having a late lunch/early dinner at Marcelo Batata Restaurant.  This place had the best view of Cusco, and we were lucky to get the best table on the patio.  We tried a variety of potato dishes (homemade chips with different sauces, and loaded potatoes), a chicken avocado salad, tamales, and maracuya (passion fruit) sour cocktails, a spin on the traditional pisco sour.

I remember feeling very bittersweet up on that rooftop that day.  I really enjoyed my time in Peru, as it is such a beautiful country with friendly people, yet I was sad to leave, wishing that we had more time to explore it. 

We spent the evening relaxing in Cusco and I bought a hand painted ceramic pot as a souvenir to store the salt we bought that day in Maras.  The next day we had to wake up early again for our flight over the Andes back to Lima, and then connect on our international flight back to Canada.

Adios, Peru... you were amazing!

1 comment:

  1. This is a commentary for all of the Peruvian have described with such wonderful detail all of the aspects of the trip, demonstrating the incredible variety of food, customs and people that make up our beautiful world!It inspires us to travel!
