Saturday 29 October 2011

C'est l'Halloween!

Halloween is not celebrated in Vietnam, but since we teach at a Canadian school, there was a big celebration for it.  Kids and teachers dressed up in costumes and decorated their classrooms.  We had a costume parade with K-3 and did trick or treating among the 4 grade 1 classes.  On this day there were also 2 birthdays in my class, so the parents brought in cake, chocolate, candy, and snacks... including fried chicken, french fries, and pepsi.  There was so much food it was ridiculous!  After Vietnamese/French class and calendar, we pretty much spent the afternoon eating and cleaning.

Here are some pics from the day...


  1. ooooo...scary! Actually everyone looked really CUTE! Does it bring you back, Angela?

  2. It was a fun day! Kids were crazy from all the excitement though!
