Saturday 8 October 2011


After nearly 2 months living in Vietnam, this place is feeling more like home.  Or, my home away from home, I should say.

Here is a glimpse into a day in the life of a.m.c...

5:30-5:45am  - Wake up, somewhere around this time...
5:45-6:30 - Get ready for work.
6:30-6:45 - Leave the apartment to take either a cab or local bus to school.
7:05-7:10 - Get to school and prepare for the day.
8:20 - Bell rings, school day begins.
9:55-10:15 - Recess...
11:15-11:55 - Lunch!
12:35-1:15 - My prep period... much needed break.
2:40 - Dismissal.

Leave school anywhere between 3:15-5:00, depending on the day.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays I run a cooking club for one hour after normal school hours.

5:30-7:00 - Eat anywhere around this time with friends, at a random restaurant of our choosing.
7:30-10:30 - Hang out at the apartment, watch TV, go on the computer, go out for groceries, etc.
10:30 - SLEEP.

On weekends we usually go to District 1 ("downtown") ... the centre of Ho Chi Minh City.  D1 is a great place to wander the streets (while trying to avoid motorbikes), go to cool restaurants and cafes, visit shops and the big market, or barter for clothes at Saigon Square. 

The weeks tend to pass very quickly.  It's hard to believe that 2 months ago we just arrived here, ready to start a new adventure.  Time flies!


  1. It definitely sounds like a LONG day but as time goes on, I am sure that it will become second nature to you!(Also, I would move the bedtime hour up to 9pm)

  2. I hear ya on the long days, mine are pretty similar in structure, waking up early and going to bed just as early. Just remember to pace yourself! Blog is lookin' good!
