Saturday 5 November 2011


Luck is on my side again.  I left my cell phone in a taxi today and after my friends tried to call it several hours later, the driver answered and delivered it back to me.  Crazy!  Once again, my friend Andy saved the day by speaking Vietnamese to the driver, telling him where to bring the phone.  Even though I can get by day to day in normal situations without speaking Vietnamese, it's in times like these that I wish I could speak the language at least a little bit.  Right now, my vocabulary is limited to hello, thank you, and taxi directions!  I would like to take a Vietnamese language class for fun, but the language is pretty difficult to learn.  Even though Korean was difficult, a lot of things about the language made sense to me.  Vietnamese just seems so impossible to me since it's a tonal language.  If you say a word with the wrong tone, it can carry a different meaning than what you intended!

Anyway... I'm hoping that I never have to rely on a cab driver again to return my belongings!!  Twice this year has been enough for me, and I'm afraid that if this happens again, my luck might run out!


  1. How is it possible? Do you not keep your phone in your purse? oh Angelaaa!Do not go for a "threepete"

  2. I have it out a lot, or in my pocket... but I guess it should always stay in my purse! Oh well!!
