Wednesday 30 November 2011

A Vietnamese wedding

My Vietnamese co-teacher, Hong, got married out of town in August.  This month she had another reception to celebrate with her friends in Ho Chi Minh City.  This wedding was a western-style one, sort of similar to a wedding in North America.  It was held in a room at a wedding hall in the city.  The evening began with dancers in wedding dresses holding disco balls.  Then the bride and groom walked up the aisle to the stage, and there was a speech in Vietnamese.  They cut the wedding cake on stage, and poured some bright red drink into champagne glasses (dry ice was in effect here... much like the wedding I attended in Korea)!  After this, dinner was served.  It was mostly seafood, so I didn't eat much.  The bride and groom came around to all the tables and we did a toast.  In Vietnam, you say "mot, hai, ba, YO!" which means "one, two, three" and cheers!

I attended the evening with some of my co-workers.  Unlike weddings back home, which go to all hours of the night, most people started leaving at around 9pm.  Also, there was no dance floor so anyone who wanted to dance went up on stage with the band/random guests who wanted to sing karaoke.

It was a fun time, and interesting to see how the night unfolded!  I'm glad that I got an invitation to see what an American-style Vietnamese wedding was like!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely bride!How interesting!Whenever I watch an episode of "Rich Bride Poor Bride" on tv, if there is ever a couple getting married who are of Asian or Indian origin, it seems that they have very different customs...usually, this may include some form of entertainment at the wedding reception.Hope you ate before going, Angela!
