Saturday 31 December 2011

Last day of the year...

It's the last day of the year, and we spent it at none other than the TAJ MAHAL!

The ticket office opens at 6am or so, and the gates open at sunrise.  We woke up in time to eat a quick breakfast on the rooftop restaurant in the dark and then walk the roads with other tourists and Indian people to the famous Taj.  The line for the ticket office was longer than I expected at 6:30am, but we got our tickets and lined up before the gates opened.  There were separate lines for men, women, Indians, and foreigners.  Foreign tourists pay 750 Rupees (around $15) to get in.  Indian people pay 20 (less than 50 cents)!

It was truly a sight to see... the photos of it online are beautiful, but it is even more grand in person.  The Taj was built by an emperor as a mausoleum to his wife, who died when giving birth to her 14th child.  Her name was Mumtaz Mahal, hence the name Taj Mahal.  The emperor and his wife are buried here.  No photos were allowed inside the mausoleum, but I think it is the outside of the building which is even more beautiful.  The Taj is made of marble and is apparently 55 metres wide and 55 metres tall.  The architect tried to design it with perfect symmetry.  The walls are beautifully decorated with carved marble and verses from the Quran.

Everyone was taking the standard Taj tourist photos, but going early really cut down the crowds.  When we left several hours later, it was significantly busier.

It was so massive that you can't help feeling small beside it.  It really is a beautiful place!  I had high expectations for the Taj, but they were exceeded for sure.  The first time I saw it was similar to the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower in Paris.  You see it in photos, but when it's with your own eyes... it's just that more amazing!

Tonight, we plan to spend New Year's Eve 2011 at a rooftop dinner party held at our hotel.  There will be a buffet of Indian food there, with the Taj only down the street!

Happy new year from Agra!!!  See you in 2012... :)

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