Sunday 22 January 2012

Alive and well in the Philippines

Yes, I'm still alive!  I've just been in some small towns in the Philippines which did not have internet cafes.  So far, this vacation has been a lot of fun and has been much more relaxing than the last one.  The saying "life's a beach" applies here.  Today I spent all day on the beach, taking photos, reading, swimming, eating, drinking mango shakes, and talking to some kids who tried to teach me words in Tagalog.  Sadly, the only things I remember were "aso" which means dog, and "pusa" which means cat.  And "mahal kita" which means "I love you."

I have been very impressed by the quality of beaches in this country... definitely some of the best I've seen!  While travelling here has not been as cheap as other countries, the people are among some of the friendliest and the weather has been awesome!  We have about 5 more days left here before heading back to Vietnam... from one tropical country to another.

I've been taking lots of photos... will update more when I have more time.  Tomorrow we are likely going on a boat trip, snorkelling around Bacuit Bay in northern Palawan.  I know it's bound to be a great time.  The Philippines is in tough competition against Thailand for being the best beach getaway in my books...

Stay tuned for more stories next time!!


  1. The Philippines sound AMAZING and if the beaches are in competition with Thailand, they must be spectacular!Hope you took lots of pics!

  2. The Philippines WAS amazing! Loved it... you would love it too! My friend's parents just visited Vietnam and she took them to the Philippines for Tet. They thoroughly enjoyed it.
