Sunday 8 January 2012

Fresh start...

I've uploaded some India pics to the blog.  You can see the rest on my Facebook album, or if you don't have FB, I can e-mail you the link.  I'm almost at 1000 blog visitors... thanks for reading!

Anyway, this post was meant to be about new year's resolutions.  It seems like every new year I try to make some resolutions but fail ... eat healthier/exercise more/learn languages/blah blah...

Basically I have the same resolutions this year.  Nothing new to report!

Do you have any new year's resolutions?  If you do... leave a comment on my blog and let me know!!  I like getting blog comments.

One wish I have for the new year is to have some VISITORS in 2012.  Family, friends... please come visit me.  The world is your oyster... it is yours to discover!


  1. These are definitely worthy resolutions and I hope that you will be able to achieve them all! Mine are pretty much the same with the exception of the languages...I always resolve that I will BRUSH UP and REVIEW them! Btw, your father made that last comment! Love you!!!Mom

  2. Love reading your blog Ange!! I forgot my userid and pwd, so I'm posting as a guest or whatever choice I have when I get done. Loved the pics of India !!!! Again, could have written "love" on every one, or clicked "like", but that would just be annoying. Thanks for keeping us posted with details. Enjoy the rest of your time on the beaches!!! Love, Zia Alba

  3. Thank you, dear family. I'm glad you enjoy reading the blog.
