Thursday 22 November 2012

Teacher's Day 2012

November 20th was a special day in Vietnam... Teacher's Day!!!  On this day, all the teachers at school were recognized for all their hard work.  We received roses and gift certificates for a popular store.  Students brought in presents... it was awesome!  I received lots of cards, flowers, fancy tea, 2 scarves, a hand-made Christmas tree skirt, a key chain, bottle of wine, and a huge cake.  John received restaurant gift certificates, a dress shirt, a silk pyjama shirt, an Armani (likely fake!) belt, a backpack, a bunch of chocolate, and a mysterious elixir in a bottle for his "lungs" among other things.  Too bad every day wasn't Teacher's Day!!!

Thanks for the cake Henry... lol!


  1. Wow... the vietnamese people have it right....honouring TEACHERS... a refreshing and lovely idea! :-))

  2. Cool cake! Great idea! Maybe one day it will spread to North America, or all the teachers will move to Vietnam LOL!
