Friday 23 November 2012

One month

It is now less than one month away from the next big adventure... can you guess where?


Yes, we are going to Europe for Christmas!  After debating about where to go, Europe randomly got thrown in the mix.  I always wanted to visit Europe at Christmas time, and now we're actually going to do it!

From Ho Chi Minh City, we will fly to Prague, Czech Republic.  After visiting Prague, we plan to travel around Austria and then possibly to Budapest, Hungary before flying back to HCMC.  On the way home, we have a stopover in Dubai.  It's going to be one expensive, crazy day in Dubai, but YOLO (hahaha).  YOLO = you only live once!

I'm really excited about this trip, but now it's time to get some winter clothing before our vacation.  It just might be a white Christmas for us after all!


  1. WHERE in the world would one purchase winter clothing in hot Vietnam?? Anyway, the trip sounds absolutely wonderful!!!!!!!!

    1. Actually there are lots of stores that have winter clothing in the big malls. I always made fun of those stores and thought "who would even need this here?" but now I'm realizing that it's ME who needs it...

  2. Wow! You are really working towards your 30 by 30 goal! Trip sounds great! Layer all the long sleeved clothes you have, then BUY your warm stuff in the destination country. Look forward to the upcoming blogs that cover this trip.
    Zia Alba <3

    1. I had honestly given up on the 30 before 30. Europe for Christmas was not on the radar until very recently... but now it looks like I have a good chance of reaching my goal!

  3. This is a wild guess. Could your destination be Sri Lanka.
