Sunday 8 September 2013

Ridiculous rain

It's rainy season in Vietnam and that means regular downpours.  It's been particularly crazy lately, with heavy rainstorms in the late afternoon/evening which usually cause the streets to flood.  The other night my friend/new housemate Jess and I had to navigate our way to the corner of the road to meet friends for a cab to take us to the movies.  The streets were flooded due to heavy rain, and we found ourselves walking on curbs, walking up roads that had "higher ground" (aka, not higher than ankle-deep water), just to get onto sidewalks.  Of course, this was all done wearing ridiculous plastic rain ponchos!  At the moment, my footwear of choice is always plastic (regular shoes don't cut it in the rainy season because the glue comes off and the soles start coming apart).

I whipped out my phone to take a short video of the flooded streets, but luckily our friends came to our rescue in a cab shortly!  As I type this, it's 4pm and it just started pouring AGAIN!  A few more months of this and rainy season will be over...


  1. be careful with the rain going up tp your ankles! That cannot be good:(

  2. I saw your video on fb!! Unbelievable!

  3. Also, I made a new google password and now I can post comments from my ipad :)
