Thursday 26 September 2013

Saigon Sports Club

In August I joined a new gym called Saigon Sports Club.  A lot of teachers on staff go here.  They have a variety of classes and a large outdoor swimming pool.  My friends and I have been going to a class called "Crossfit" which is pretty intense.  Last weekend one of the trainers had a birthday pool party after her class.  We went swimming and had some delicious Italian food by the pool.  Instead of having a regular class that day, we had a competition with two teams, with points awarded for winning various challenges.  It was a very close match-up that came down to the final challenge - tug of war.  Our team won!


  1. They were actually talking about this kind of training on "Good Morning America" just this week and were saying that it was very intense and that people should be CAREFUL! The tug of war did look like fun, though!

  2. It was fun! Don't worry... I don't go every day. Lately I only go once a week although I was going a few times per week before. Typical Crossfit classes just involve you going at your own pace, doing the most repetitions of an exercise you can do within a certain time frame.
