Saturday 22 February 2014

New campus

Before the holiday we moved into the new school campus.  It's huge - although not every facility is finished yet.  Here's an aerial view:

The building to the right of the pool is the gym/cinema facility.  To the left of the pool is the new school, and across the street from that is the existing sister school (English/Vietnamese bilingual).  It looks pretty impressive from this pic!  I've been finding myself getting a lot more exercise walking from my room to the photocopier, recess area, lunch room, main office, etc. as everything is so spread out and there is only one elevator (far from my room).  The old campus had many elevators, therefore elevators = laziness!

One great thing about the new campus is that it's a lot closer to where we live.  Closer = more time to sleep in = laziness!  Oh well, I guess things from each campus balance out...


  1. This looks spectacular! I've never had the opportunity in my 30 year career to teach in a new facility. You are lucky to experience this!

  2. That is INCREDIBLE! We, too would have loved to work in a facility like that! Enjoy!!!!
