Sunday 23 March 2014

100 Happy Days

Can you be happy for 100 days in a row?  You don't have time for this, right?  That's what this website says.  After seeing some friends' Facebook and Instagram posts with the hashtag #100happydays, I thought I would check out what this was all about.  Turns out, it is a happiness challenge.  Every day, for 100 days, you must post a photo of something that makes you happy.  Apparently 71% of the people who tried to complete the challenge failed - quoting the lack of time as the main reason.  They didn't have time to be happy.  That statement hit me and made me think about my own life.  In the past few months I feel like I've been overwhelmed with things and haven't always been optimistic.  For this reason, I decided to take up the happiness challenge.  I'm happy to say that I'm on day 22, well on my way to day 100!  Follow my happiness on Instagram (angelaabroad)... : )

1 comment:

  1. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is ALWAYS better to remain positive, no matter the situation.Remember that posiive and happy thoughts ATTRACT more of the same<3
