Saturday 8 March 2014

McDonald's has arrived in Vietnam!

Last month, McDonald's opened its first store in Vietnam.  There was a much anticipated grand opening with red carpets and huge line-ups but after a month of being open, most of the excitement seems to be over.  Perfect time to pick up a cheeseburger combo and a hot fudge sundae!

After our weekend in Nha Trang, some friends and I headed to the McDonald's in HCMC.  We were greeted by smiling workers who gave us a menu outside, helped us fill out our order on a paper form and punched it into a handheld device, and then directed us to workers indoor who guided us to the front counter where we handed in our order forms and paid.  There were lots of workers in the back, so the service was pretty fast and the food we received tasted exactly like McDonald's back home - or anywhere else in the world.

I was hoping there would be some funny Vietnamese items on the menu like "McPho" or "McBanhMi" but sadly, there weren't.  Everything was pretty standard, except for a few things like "McPork" which doesn't exist back home.

Apparently this first-ever McDonald's in Vietnam is also the first-ever drive-thru restaurant in the country as well.  Of course, it was mostly motorbikes driving through though!  They are already building another location in the city, so this may not be the end of the McDonald's craze in Vietnam.


  1. Pretty sweet!! Sure to fatten up anybody. Obesity rate has just gone up in Vietnam.

    1. Probably! It was fun going and seeing Vietnamese people with their very first McDonald's experience - families taking photos of kids with their happy meals!
