Sunday 11 May 2014


This weekend Jess and I hosted a Murder Mystery dinner at our place.  She brought the stuff from back home for us to use.  It was so old that it wasn't a CD but a CASSETTE TAPE which she played on her WALKMAN that she brought back from Canada.  It had been years and years since anyone had used a cassette or walkman... we almost forgot how annoying it was to rewind and fast forward tapes.

Anyway, before the event we passed out character cards to all our guests.  Everyone was responsible for finding a costume and staying in character.  I was Martin X, a political activist who most people think is crazy.  Jess was Wiggy, a model.  The story took place in the late 60s in England, so you can imagine the ridiculous accents that we tried to put on.

We made some guacamole and sangria, complete with the classy snack of Cheetos, and ordered pizza for dinner.  I cued up some 60s/70s songs on my phone, and the night ended up being a blast!

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