Monday 8 August 2011

Goodbye, Canada

Less than 24 hours and I will be leaving from Toronto Pearson International Airport to fly to Hong Kong, and then onward to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam!!!  Right now I'm feeling mixed emotions - excited, anxious, sad, and happy at the same time.

Currently I'm in Mississauga at Vanessa's place listening to the sounds of the big city from the 25th floor.  It's crazy to think that in a few days I'll be waking up to similar sounds, but on the other side of the world.  While my surroundings will be unfamiliar at first, I hope that I can settle into comfortable daily routines and enjoy life in Vietnam to the fullest extent.  No matter what happens though, Canada will always be on my mind... : )

Mississauga by night

Goodbye from Mississauga, ON and see you in Vietnam!


  1. Did you take this photo of Mississauga? Or did the internet provide it? :) I heard you had arrived at your destination, and so glad your flight was good.
    tty soon <3

  2. Thanks for the comment! Yes, I took the photo of Mississauga. It is the view from Vanessa's balcony! Pretty cool, eh?

  3. Wow! It really is a cool view! Just what you'd expect it to be when you've moved out of very flat Windsor!!
    Waiting now for the view from your window :)
