Tuesday 16 August 2011

House Hunters International: Vietnam!

House hunting in Vietnam, or any foreign country, can be a daunting experience.  Unfortunately, the experience did not start well.  We were taken to some shady apartments by another rental agent.  Luckily, we were able to find a different agent named My (pronounced "me"), who helped us find an awesome apartment.  My was very organized in booking times to view 12 apartments.  She helped negotiate the rent, sent workers to the unit to repair some things, helped us go to the bank to get the deposits, called to set up our internet and cable TV, and offered to show us how to pay our bills. 

The best rental agent, My!
If you've ever seen the TV show "House Hunters International," then you will understand what the process was like.  Viewing so many apartments was a bit overwhelming.  I kept a list of each apartment, its pros and cons, and took photos of each one.  After a while, some of the apartments started looking the same, so taking notes and photos was a great way to remember each specific place.  Once a place was chosen, My helped to negotiate the rent price with the landlord, and gave us a bilingual contract.  Each unit in Sky Garden is owned by a different landlord, who is responsible for the upkeep and decoration of the unit.  I thought the
apartment had a lot of character... and I'm glad to call it my home for now!

As you can see, the apartment has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, an office, living room, kitchen, entrance hallway, and small balcony where the washing machine is.  There is a nice view out the living room window of Sky Garden 1 and 2.  The "bamboo garden" next to the front window (not real bamboo!) is an interesting touch!  Unfortunately, none of the plants in the apartment were real.  You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.
With the apartment search out of the way, now it's time to focus on work!  Orientation began this week... more to come about the school in the next blog post!  :)


  1. This is by far the nicest apt you have ever lived in. I would definitely consider a real plant or two since they clean the air. How fortunate that you found this great realtor. She definitely deserves a gift!!!Love, Mom

  2. Wow! Great looking place! Congratulations on getting settled! I'd definitely be keeping in touch with My - she sounds like a great contact for you there.

  3. Me oh my, what a nice apartment! (or should I say My oh my?)

  4. We wanted to take My and her co-worker Vy out for dinner since they helped us a lot. They are pretty busy though so we haven't had time! We recommended some co-workers to rent with them too.

  5. The new place looks beautiful Ange! Nicer than mine and Adams haha! It looks more spacious than I expected. Glad all went well and you guys found a good spot to call home!

  6. Hey Little Cat! We made some adjustments with our login info so we are not "anonymous" anymore!! ttyl

  7. Just experimenting with the sign-in. Apartment looks great.

  8. Very nice group picture.

  9. Nice apartment!! Glad to hear all the traveling went well! Is the washing machine as tiny in real life as it looks in the picture?

    John A.

  10. Looks like you will be doing alot of small loads.

  11. Angela: The apartment pics look great. Hope your first week of school went well.Say Hi to John Elio.:)

  12. Thanks for the comments, everyone. Yes - the washing machine is small. It looks especially small in that photo!

  13. UMMMMM, this apartment looks SO NICE. I want to visit!!!
