Tuesday 20 September 2011

Rainy season

Rainy season in Vietnam lasts from approximately May to September.  During this time, it can be beautiful and sunny and then downpour at any given moment.  The rain usually comes during the evening, and for a short period of time, however there have been times where we've been caught inside a restaurant for hours, waiting to see if the rain will let up! 
Even if you are equipped with a rain poncho or umbrella, you still have the possibility of getting ridiculously wet because when it downpours, there are some pretty huge puddles on the roads.  The drainage system isn't the greatest here, but I'm sure it is much worse in small cities.  I really hate the feeling of sloshing through a street in wet Birkenstocks, but sometimes it has to be done!  I can't carry rainboots with me 24/7...

Vietnam has lots of motorbikes (kind of an understatement), and when it starts to rain, many of the drivers pull to the side of the road and take out their rain ponchos to wear.  If there are 2 people on a motorbike, then the driver wears the poncho and drapes the back flap over the passenger behind him.  This looks pretty funny, but at least the passenger can stay somewhat dry even though they won't be able to see anything since they are riding under the driver's poncho.

Even though the rain may not be welcome all the time, sometimes it's nice to have things cool off a little bit.  It's over 30 C here every day... and walking around in HCMC on a sunny day can make you very sweaty!  Thank God for air conditioners!


  1. We seem to be going through the rainy season here. It has been raining for days here. Golf courses have even closed because of too much rain. Everything sure looks nice and green in the video.

  2. The grass is pretty green here... but in the city there isn't much grass. Around where I live you can find some though. The plants/trees are always looking green and tropical here!
