Monday 26 September 2011

Trip planning...

This upcoming weekend the school is paying for the staff to go to Hoi An, a nice little town on the coast of the South China Sea.  We're leaving after school on Friday and returning Monday (day off work)!  The flight is only 45 minutes or so, and we will be staying at a resort on the beach.  I'm excited about it!  Hoi An is a great place that John and I visited last year on our travels, and we're looking forward to going back there.  There are lots of cute restaurants and tons of tailors.  Should be fun!

In other news... October break trip is BOOKED!  And the destination is....

THAILAND (again)!!!

We just can't get enough of that place.  Four of us are flying into Bangkok, then hopefully making our way to Kanchanaburi and some random island (TBD) that will have cheap, delicious pad thai and gorgeous beaches, no doubt.

All this trip planning has gotten me thinking about other destinations I hope to travel to in the next 2 years... the Philippines, Borneo, Taiwan, more of southern China... there are so many possibilities!  Once you get the travel bug, you can't stop.  I definitely have it, and it's an addiction that is hard to break!!


  1. We should have taken a hint years ago(when you were about 9 or 10 years old, Angela)and you had about 20 international penpals!!!Live out your only live once!

  2. Haha... I still keep in contact (sort of) with 2 of them, but now it's through facebook instead of "snail mail."
