Saturday 21 April 2012

Earth Day!

I made an Earth Day music video with our class ... check it out here!


  1. What a wonderful video!! You are so creative Angela. Your class is so cute. I'm sure they must have really enjoyed making the video and watching themselves in it. Who knows this might be the start of future videos to be produced by Ms. Angela. Always looking forward to view your blogs.

  2. LOOOOOVED the video! The kids are absolutely adorable and were really good little actors and actresses. Your creativity ROCKS!!! Who knows? Maybe there will be more videos in the future! Loved the song, as well!

  3. Keep watching the video over and is absolutely WONDERFUL! I LOVE it! The kids are FANTASTIC (loved ALL of it but I think my fav part was when the little girl crummpled up the paper and the little guy really gave her a look as he pointed to the recycle bin!)

  4. oops spelling error...I meant "CRUMPLED" This is what happens when you are wearing contacts instead of glasses!

  5. I'm glad that you enjoyed the video! The film clips were all done in one day and I spent a few hours organizing it on my computer at night, but it turned out well! :)
