Tuesday 24 April 2012

Workin' for the weekend

Lately work has been busy... had a PD day last week... trying to plan class lists for next year... finished up a 6-week TLCP... started the final cycle of "clubs" for the year (I run a games club for grade 1s on Tuesdays and Thursdays for one hour after school)... finished up all our Earth Day activities... and am trying to cram in all kinds of curriculum that I didn't cover yet.

It's time for another vacay!  The good news is... we have one coming up this week!  I often get asked by friends back home "Why do you get so much vacation?  Do you do any work?" ... welllllll the great thing about teaching here is that vacation is spread out nicely throughout the school year.  In Canada you get 2 weeks for Christmas, 1 week for March break, some long weekends, and the rest is basically July and August.  Here, we have it spread out that we get a shorter summer holiday but more vacation throughout the actual school year.  I like it better that way because it gives everyone a nice break!

Aside from the long weekend last March when we went to Singapore, the last vacation we had was in January for Tet (2 weeks in the Philippines)!  Now we have one week off starting this weekend, and 7 of us are going to Thailand and Laos.

This Saturday, we're flying in to Bangkok, then connecting on a flight to Chiang Rai.  I've never been to Chiang Rai before, but I'm slowly hitting up all of Thailand one place at a time.  I'm sure it'll be great since we'll get to eat Thai food for a few days there!  After spending time in CR, we'll head to the border of Thailand/Laos just like John and I did a few years ago on our Southeast Asia trip.  We're going to do the Gibbon Experience again (ziplining among the treehouses in the jungle) and then head down through Laos (same places we went to before).  I'm excited to go on this trip with a group of friends.  It's going to be fun times!!!


  1. Ziplining!!! Love your experiences, and living vicariously through them. Look forward to the next set of pictures :)

  2. Wow, sounds fabulous, once again, I'm totally jealous of your travel experience! Can't wait to see Thailand one day. Hopefully no tsunamis as I plan my trip haha

  3. Sounds just wonderful and exciting....GO FOR IT! This is the perfect time and opportunity to do this!
