Thursday 13 September 2012

Loco for Coco

Last week we ordered Korean food online from a restaurant in district 1.  We decided to throw in an order for coconuts (drinking coconut water here, straight from the coconut) is normal.  The delivery guy brought them, covered in plastic wrap... definitely fresh.  We had to hack a hole in the top to put in a straw.

I heard that coconut water is a new health fad in North America.  People pay lots of money to get the stuff, which is known as an all-natural sports drink.  It is high in potassium and antioxidants, and lots of runners drink it to stay energized.  I'm not sure what the price of it back home is, but here in Vietnam you can get your very own coconut for around 50 cents - 1 dollar!


  1. It is definitely becoming very popular to drink coconut water...I know Vanessa likes it. I tried it last time we were visiting but did not enjoy not know the cost but am guessing it is not too cheap. Btw, watched the amazing Psy, South Korean dancing sensation this morning on the Today show...what a great performance!

  2. remind me next time you are home to tell you a coconut story that involved your mom, Martha (aka MAHTHA) and I
    funny, and true
    zia alba
