Thursday 20 September 2012

Paying at the pumps... Vietnam style!

Most people in Vietnam drive a motorbike, John included.  While the traffic looks chaotic, as motorbikes are dodging other motorbikes, people, bicycles, chickens, puddles, and random vehicles, there is actually some order to the madness.  Luckily, the ride to school is one straight road!  No navigating roundabouts or busy downtown traffic.

Many teachers in Vietnam have opted to either rent or buy motorbikes to save on money.  Compared to taking a taxi everywhere, motorbikes are a cheaper option in the long run and give you more freedom.  Where people back home are looking to carpool or take public transit due to rising gas prices, no one in Vietnam is concerned with these issues.  Why?  Because it costs $5 to fill up your motorbike tank!  That usually lasts the whole week.

The gas station is on the way to school.  It's full service, no need to pump your own gas here.  Here's a photo of John at the gas station...


  1. Guess it makes sense to follow the adage "When in Rome..." ALWAYS keeping in mind that this is a NEW undertaking and as such, extreme caution should be taken at all times!

  2. Angela: Love all your posts and details, and actually enjoy reading your parents' posts - can see them speaking these words! Mine are: ABC which stands for Always Be Careful
