Thursday 27 September 2012

September school happenings

This has been a busy month...

We had an open house, started after school clubs (I'm doing an art club with grade 1s), lots of meetings, and peace day.
Open house

My co-teacher and I on Peace Day

This week we were celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival, and we had a dragon dance performance and traditional moon cakes for snack at school. The dragons performed in the courtyard and then came into our classrooms to deliver the moon cakes.  I love when we get these interesting cultural experiences at school!

Dragon Dance

Dragons in the classroom!


  1. Interesting cultural experience indeed!!!I think this would be one of the BEST reasons to teach in another be able to be exposed to new ideas and customs allow us to better understand and APPRECIATE other people!Peace, brothers and sisters!!!

  2. Yes, that's one of the best parts about living abroad... learning about different cultures!

  3. love the dragons!!! and peace day <3
    zia alba
