Wednesday 5 December 2012

Xin chao, toi la Angela ...

Hello, I'm Angela...

And I'm studying Vietnamese!  Last year I didn't put much effort into learning Vietnamese.  I felt a bit embarrassed that I've lived so long in this country and really don't know more than a handful of words.  My friend Alex and I decided to take up lessons with a Vietnamese co-worker's friends.  We have lessons twice a week with 2 female tutors named Phuong and Nguyet.  They are really nice and are good teachers.  They even make PowerPoint slides to teach us, and take us to the grocery store to learn about foods.  The best thing is that these lessons are FREE.  Phuong and Nguyet like to practise English and want us to help them with their language skills too, so they do not charge for any lessons.  It's just a language exchange, which is great!!!  Unfortunately, Vietnamese is extremely difficult (it's a tonal language) and we're not the most motivated of students.  It's fun trying to learn the language and laugh at ourselves when we pronounce a word 20 times and it's still wrong.  Oh well!

1 comment:

  1. EXCELLENT idea...I do admire you for tackling such a difficult language such as certainly makes you appreciate the challenges ANY language student faces!!! There is no greater compliment than to learn the language of your host country! :)
