Sunday 12 January 2014

OZ, Part 2: Melbourne

Melbourne was a pretty cool city.  It had a European vibe to it with its many cafes and quaint alleyways.  There were some cute Christmas decorations up around the city, but for some reason we didn't feel like it was actually Christmas due to the warm weather and lack of snow!

In Melbourne we did a free walking tour which took us around the central area of the city.  My favourite part was walking through the narrow lanes filled with street art.  It was so colourful!

For Christmas day we had a nice lunch at a cafe and walked near the Yarra River and also around downtown to see the decorations and watch street performers.  On Boxing Day we attended a performance of King Kong at the Regent Theatre.  It was very creative how they portrayed King Kong - if you get a chance to watch it, I highly recommend it!

Our stay in Melbourne was a fairly short one before we headed on to Sydney on a long, uncomfortable night train (unfortunately didn't have sleeper seats)!  We would visit Melbourne again at the end of our trip.


  1. What a beautiful country! Excellent commentary Angela, as usual!

  2. Enjoyed your very colourful pics!
