Friday 17 January 2014

The things we see on the streets of Saigon...

Living in this city has really opened our eyes to some interesting sights.  Some of my the best things I've seen on the roads are:  family of 5 on a motorbike, guy carrying a full size refrigerator on his motorbike, construction worker standing on his construction worker friend's shoulders to fix a road sign, electrical worker climbing up the pegs of a telephone pole barefoot to reach the top and start meddling with the wires with his bare hands, a woman riding a motorbike with around 5 bags full of live ducks with their heads poking out tied to it, etc.  I could go on and on...

On a daily basis we see people riding motorbikes carrying huge panes of glass, long pipes, women holding newborn babies without helmets, etc.  On our drives to school we have also seen the lovely scenes of people squatting on the side of the road pooping, naked toddlers playing too close to traffic, and men peeing in the trees.  Last week I saw the most shocking thing yet... I have no photo evidence but there were other witnesses so you'll have to believe me...

On the way home from the steak restaurant we were in a taxi and everything was normal until we saw an adult man - fully naked - walking slowly down the centre line of the road into traffic!  Absolutely naked... no clothes, and he wasn't even wearing shoes!  Our cab driver didn't flinch but the rest of us were pretty amused.  Just to be sure we weren't dreaming, we looked back and we definitely saw his butt cheeks walking down the road into the darkness.  CRAZY!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Now THOSE are some things we would never see on the streets of Windsor!!!
