Thursday 16 January 2014

OZ, Part 4: The Fair

The last part of our trip was the job fair in Melbourne.  We weren't sure what to expect, and when we first arrived it seemed like it would be hard to get interviews since everyone else seemed to have a lot more experience.  One of our coworkers was attending, and we also made contacts with people from all over.  The fair was run very well and most recruiters were pretty nice and open to interviewing candidates.

We had 8 interviews... Abu Dhabi, Hong Kong, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Germany, Malaysia, and Jordan.  It was a really long day!  We turned down an offer from HK and decided not to continue pursuing more interviews for the job in Saudi, but we accepted the offer from Dubai!  It was a great feeling to know that we had succeeded.  There will definitely be more adventures to come in 2014!

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