Monday 25 March 2013

Life in Vietnam these days

Lately it's been HOT... highs of around 34 degrees Celsius every day.  Just when you think you can't get any sweatier, the weather of Ho Chi Minh City proves you wrong.  I guess I've gotten used to arriving at school with my shirt sticking to my back as a result of hot weather and wearing a backpack.  Our classroom is airconditioned but when you step outside it's back to the sticky, hot weather.  I'm not really complaining though... I'd rather be in this tropical weather than bracing for a snowstorm!

In other news, we have a long weekend this week and are going with a group of friends to Phu Quoc Island (less than 1 hour away by plane).  It is a small island that is part of Vietnam, and it was just on a Yahoo article this week about "Beautiful Hidden Beaches."  We are going there Friday morning and returning on Sunday.  Here's a pic from Google images...

Bring on the beaches!!!!!!!!!!!

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