Sunday 31 March 2013

Sunny Phu Quoc - the perfect weekend beach break!

We just returned from a long weekend in Phu Quoc, an island only 35 minutes away from HCMC by plane.  Upon arrival at the new international airport on Phu Quoc, our group of 6 was picked up by our hotel's shuttle.  We were greeted by this lovely sign!

Our hotel cost $45 per night for a standard double room, including breakfast.  The place had a pool and was right on the beach.  Sweet deal!

Phu Quoc is apparently developing very quickly.  They just built a new international airport (but as of right now, they only have domestic flights).  There are new and huge resort hotels being built as we speak.  It's still not ridiculously over-run with tourists, but it's on its way there.  They are in the process of building a bunch of highways all over the island, but many roads are still just dirt.  I'm very curious to see what this place is like in 10 years!

Long Beach, Phu Quoc
We stayed on the very appropriately named Long Beach, the main beach on the island.  The water was very warm... we enjoyed swimming and playing frisbee on the beach.  We also met up with another group of teachers that were spending their long weekend on the island.  On our first night there, we ventured to the Night Market where some people (not me) ate some fresh seafood.  I had vegetarian spring rolls, chili lemongrass tofu, and a mango smoothie (yum)!

It was a great time and I would recommend anyone to spend a nice weekend there.  Mui Ne has been our destination of choice the past 2 years for our first school year long weekend (in August/September), but I think we might come back to Phu Quoc instead since it's so much more convenient (35 minute plane ride vs. 4-6 hour bus ride)!

Frisbee in the pool
Want some fresh fruit cut up for you on the beach?
Bye Phu Quoc!  See you again...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a pretty sweet place. It would be interesting returning to see this place in 10 years and observing the changes.
