Sunday 9 June 2013

Is this Naples? No, it's Saigon!

Last night I went with my friends to an awesome pizza place called Pizza 4 P's.  Some of our friends (Tanya, Julia, Andy) are leaving Vietnam after this school year so we wanted to have a nice dinner there.

John and I ordered the tomato spaghetti with house-made mascarpone, the prosciutto margherita pizza, and the raspberry macaroon for dessert.  We also got a carafe of house wine.  This was an expensive meal for us by Vietnam standards.  Including tax we paid around $40 total for our meal, but it was all delicious and not a bad price at all considering what meals cost in Canada.  The pizza had so much prosciutto on it and was the most expensive thing (about $16)... it was so good!  All the pizzas are made fresh to order at a big table in the middle of the restaurant.  People can even eat around the table watching the chef make the pizzas!

There are a variety of pizzas to choose from at this restaurant, and you can even get them made half and half.  Greg got half of his pizza as "salmon sashimi" pizza.  It came with slices of salmon to put on top.  Interesting!  Julia and Andy tried an appetizer - mozzarella sushi - that looked interesting as well.  Many of the items on the menu were like an Italian-Japanese fusion.  This was one of the best places I have eaten so far in this city... highly recommended!

Tomato spaghetti with house-made mascarpone

Proscuitto margherita pizza

Raspberry macaroon

1 comment:

  1. Does look very delicious!!! Wonder where the chefs were trained if the food tasted really authentic...
