Sunday 2 June 2013

So long, farewell...

Last night we had our end of the year staff party.  It's a chance to celebrate surviving another year of teaching and to say goodbye to some friends who will be shortly leaving Vietnam.

The event was a lot of fun and included free sangria upon arrival, lots of tasty finger food, music, a staff trivia contest, and goodbye speeches to those moving on next year.

I wrote a speech for our housemate Tanya, who is moving back to Canada in the summer to go back to her job teaching in the Ottawa area.  Tanya was a lot of fun to live with this year and we will miss her a lot!  She was a really funny, honest, and generous person and a great teacher.  It's going to be sad to see her move out!  :(

Penthouse roomies!

A lot of our friends renewed their contracts for a third year like us, so we can look forward to seeing them again, but of course we will have to say goodbye to several others who are leaving.  It's hard to believe that there are only a few more weeks left of the school year, and then we'll be headed back to Canada for the summer.  The countdown is on... June 24th is fast approaching!

1 comment:

  1. It is always sad to say goodbye! Cannot wait to have you HOME!
