Monday 12 March 2012

Got my hurr did

So I decided to get the "Volume Magic" hair treatment, after dealing with frizzy hair in humid weather for too long.  This treatment originated in Korea and does not use harsh chemicals like other hair treatments do.  The "Volume Magic" gives you permanently straight hair, with a bit of volume so it isn't stick-straight and plastered to your head.  The ends of the hair are left a bit wavy.  The results last until the hair grows out.

I visited a new salon in the neighbourhood called "La Jolie," and was greeted by the hair dresser, Sun.  He proceeded to go through a crazy number of steps to treat my hair.  I wish I could remember them all, but the process involved a hair trim, product applied to my hair several times, 3 shampoos to clean/rinse out product at various stages of the appointment, being hooked up to some funky hair roller machine, wearing curlers, having hair dried and meticulously flat ironed several times throughout the evening, etc.... it is hopeless for me to remember the exact steps/order since it was so complicated!  At the halfway point, I thought I was done.  My hair felt straighter and smoother... then Sun told me that I was only 60% of the way finished.  Several hours later, I walked out with smooth, soft, non-frizzy hair!

The best thing about Volume Magic is that you don't have to spend lots of time doing your hair.  It should pretty much dry straight.  There should be no need to use a straightener or lots of product.

Total time spent in the salon:  3 hours and 40 minutes!!!
Total cost:  675,000 VND + tip (discounted from 900,000 due to a salon-opening promotion)... so that is about $33 +  ... back home something like this would cost hundreds of dollars!!!

I will post a pic some time soon.


  1. Wow!! Can't wait to see the results of this! I think I might fly there just to have it done :)
    (I am the queen of frizz, sadly.)

  2. I would not trust anyone who says that there are no harsh chemicals in this type of treatment! How can the hair possibly do what they say without some funky stuff? Well. cannot wait to see pics! (This is your mom talking!)'

  3. Ok, so I think I just heard somewhere that the volume magic was better than other straightening treatments, maybe I'm wrong... but they definitely used some type of chemicals! Oh well... I think the results are worth it at the moment. My hair feels softer, dries quicker, and is easier to comb (no knots) which means I lose less hair when combing it out. Plus I don't have to spend lots of time drying it or using a flat iron.

    I'm pretty happy with the results!

  4. Let's see some pics! Be careful though, remember when I went to Joe and all of my hair got burnt off? Never again! lol

    1. Haha, yeah... I was worried about that!!! But I figured that the Koreans have getting good hair down to a science, so I had more faith in the Korean "Magic" hair treatment than other treatments!
