Sunday 18 March 2012

Hospital visit

So I ended up going to the FV Hospital (  Since it was Sunday, the desk for regular appointments was closed and only emergency was open (?) ... so I walked over to emergency and waited around one hour to see a doctor.  Going to the hospital in another country wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.  I avoided going in Korea after hearing crazy stories of people getting random and painful shots in the bum and whatnot.  This hospital was much more "western" than the ones in Korea.  There were no communication issues.  A nurse took my temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate.  The doctor looked at my throat, said I had an infection, and sent me off with a prescription.  Drugs (3 different kinds) for one week came out to around $20.  Hopefully these things work... I'm sick of being sick.


  1. Glad you are on the mend...I am curious as to why 3 different types of pills...maybe you should run them by your aunt, the pharmacist!

  2. The 3 pills were a painkiller, antibiotic to help the infection, and an allergy med. So far they seem to be working, but now John is sick!

  3. Stay well! And make John a big batch of Vanessa's tea!!
