Wednesday 28 March 2012

Stuff kids say...

Teaching can be entertaining.  Here are some real quotes from the year so far, from all the kids in my class...

“When I was a baby, I was inside my mommy’s tummy.”  – David
“When I was a baby, I was ALSO inside my mommy’s tummy!” – Bradley

“Do you know Lady Gaga?  He is so ugly.  He has so many monies!” – Po Hann

“You know, if we put food in our desk we will get ANTS!” – Nelli

“Can you play the song ‘On the Floor?’  It’s my mom’s favourite song.” – Ethan

“Thao, what do you really love?” – Ms. Angela
(Thinking really hard).  “I love Barbie.” – Thao

“I love Khoi and Khoi love me!” – Van
(A few weeks later).  “I love Ethan.” – Van

“How did you make your project?” – Ms. Angela
“My mom made it.” – Sang Hyo
“Did you help her do anything?” – Ms. Angela
“No, I just play computer games.” – Sang Hyo

“Ms. Angela, I LOVE making connections!” – Casey

“I’m so happy I could cry!” – Van

(After watching a bee try to find its way out the window, but failing).  “Ms. Angela, that bee has perseverance.” – Casey

“Bush, you need to wait your turn.” – Ms. Angela
(Quoting a poem we read).  “But waiting is a pain.” – Bush

“Do you know why we should eat our vegetables?  Because if we don’t eat them, the vegetables will eat us!” – Bradley

(After looking at another student’s messy writing).  “That writing is SO messy.  Why don’t you erase and do it AGAIN?” – Ai Nhi

“ENGLISH PLEASE!!!!” (5 seconds later, he is speaking Vietnamese to his friends). – Minh

(After scraping his leg).  “Oh no, I don’t want to have to walk like Terry Fox!” – Bradley

“I love homework!” – Kitty

(Every time, even after the hundredth drawing).  “I give for you!” – Nghi

(Talking very seriously about intramural soccer at recess).  “At recess there is a BATTLE.” – Ethan

“What did you do on the weekend?” – Ms. Angela
“I saw you at the store.” – Khoi

“At recess we played and we didn’t even FIGHT!” – Ngan

“You don’t need to be scared of monsters, because monsters aren’t real.” – Ms. Angela
“But what about robbers?” – Delila

(After passing out ‘magic reindeer food’ aka sprinkles mixed with cornflakes).  “If you put this out, Santa’s reindeer will come to your house.” – Ms. Angela
“But is it real?” – Sang Hyo
(Nodding yes). – Ms. Angela
“YESSSSSS!!!!” – Sang Hyo

“What is your favourite thing to do?” – Ms. Angela
(After thinking long and hard).  “Colour.” – Thuy

“I think I’m ready for grade 2.” – Kitty

“We need to do the 3 Ss in line.” – Ms. Angela
“I’m 4 Ss… single, silent, straight, Sang Hyo!” – Sang Hyo

"Ms. Angela, I love school.  I never want to leave!  I hate recess because there is no work.  I LOVE WORK!" – Casey

“Did you know I’m on Youtube?  Just type in ‘fat boy from Vietnam.’” – Bradley
“When I grow up I’m gonna get married.” – David


  1. I wish I had written down some of the things I heard over the 31 years I taught. The youngest kids seem to come up with the best one-liners. Save all of these notes: it will come in handy when you publish your future book.

  2. My favourite one: “Do you know Lady Gaga? He is so ugly. He has so many monies!” – Po Hann LOL

  3. I agree...note down these precious words the future, you will be very glad you did! Love them!
