Saturday 17 March 2012

Sick :(

Being sick on St. Patty's Day is no fun!  There was a BBQ party at some friends' apartment in District 1 but unfortunately due to an annoying sore throat I'm not going anywhere.  This whole weekend I've been hanging out in the apartment, napping, drinking tea, and doing pretty much nothing else.

When people get sick in Asia, they don't usually go to the clinic (because not many exist).  You go straight to the hospital!  I haven't gone yet but if this thing doesn't disappear by Monday, I'll have to get it checked out.  Luckily, there is a nice new French hospital near where I live, so it's only a short taxi ride away.  Hopefully I won't have to make a visit though.

Anyway... updates:

Mar. 23 - 25:  Going to Dalat for our friend Brittany's birthday to see mountains and waterfalls.
Mar. 26:  Possibly get to see my friend Sophie from New Zealand who is passing through Vietnam on her travels after finishing up teaching in Korea.
Mar. 30 - Apr. 2:  Visiting Singapore again for the holiday weekend.
Apr. 6 - 8:  Going to Chau Doc (border town near Cambodia) for our friends Julia and Andy's Vietnamese wedding.
Apr. 28 - May 6:  Going to Thailand/Laos again for spring break with a group of friends.

Lots to look forward to!!  If this sore throat would just go away...


  1. That is too bad that you are sick...maybe it is strep, in which case you should have it checked out right away...keep yourself first!

  2. Eww being sick is gross! Kids are dirty too. Make my amazing sore throat cocktail, equal parts apple cider vinegar, honey, lemon juice, and a pinch of cayenne. Heat it up and sip it! Or buy some fresh ginger root and make ginger tea, that always helps!

    1. That drink sounds good... I'll have to try it next time. Thanks!
