Sunday 18 March 2012

Los Aguilas!

If you have not heard, John recently joined a softball team called the Aguilas (that means "eagles" in Spanish)!  The team is part of the Saigon International Softball League.  Teams play every Sunday at the Taipei International School nearby.  There are a few Canadian teachers we know on the team, but it is mostly made up of Cuban pilots who work for Vietnam Airlines... no joke!  The captain is named Jose and he is a real airplane captain, too! 

The league is kind of serious and even has a website where they track stats...just google "Saigon Softball."  Anyway, some friends and I went to watch a game last weekend but I forgot my camera.  Here is a pic of John today after playing in a game this morning...

Maybe we should start calling him "Juan" now.


  1. Hola, Juan...te gusta el beisbol? I am impressed by your athletic skills, John! Maybe we will see you in action one day!

  2. Such an international mix!! People would think you are making this up, but I know that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. It's great that John is part of this - just shows what a small world it really is! (Can you hear the Small World tune in your head yet? Now it will never leave !!)
