Thursday 24 May 2012

Canada in 1 month!

In one month from today, I will be back in Canada!!!  I just got confirmation today that I'll be departing here on the evening of the 23rd and arriving in Toronto at 10:15am on June 24th!!!  It's exciting to know that I'll be home SOON!!!!!!!!!

With one month to go, I can say that it's been an interesting year both inside and outside of the classroom.  I've enjoyed having my own class but that does not come without challenges.  Honestly, Kingston last year seems like it was ages ago.  It really feels like (and is) a world away.  I can't believe last year I was supplying and this year I'm in Vietnam teaching grade 1.  Totally different experiences... crazy!  It's also been exciting to get the opportunity to travel again.

While this was a good year, I'm very excited to go home to see my family and friends.

So, my calendar is marked... June 24th!!!  See you soon... :)

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the map of our WONDERFUL country, CANADA...the BEST country in the world (YOUR home and native land!) Cannot wait for the date!!!
