Wednesday 16 May 2012

Supersize me

An interesting tidbit that we discovered today...

One of John's students visited NYC recently and got him an "I love NY" t-shirt.  The size was Medium and fit perfectly.

Last week at the Saigon Heat game, John got a t-shirt that was 3XL.  It fit him perfectly.

Most of his t-shirts from back home are a Large.

So... in Canada you can be Large, Vietnam 3XL, and USA Medium.  Now you can see how sizes vary across the countries!  In Vietnam he's bordering on The Hulk, but that's only a medium in the USA.

If you want to drop a few sizes, just visit NYC.

1 comment:

  1. I guess that is what you would call "vanity sizing". It is everywhere...I, myself have a variety of sizes in my closet all of which fit me!!! Guess you have to be careful, depending on where you are! :-)
