Saturday 19 May 2012

Passion for passion fruit

Here's another fruit post... this time, it's about the delicious passion fruit.

The passion fruit... boring on the outside, but delicious on the inside!

The first time I ever tried passion fruit was in Bali, at the end of a cycling tour in Ubud.  We went to the tour director's home to eat one of the most delicious meals I've ever had.  Passion fruit was served at the end.  I'll always think of Bali when I see passion fruit!

A passion fruit is one of the easiest fruits here to eat.

Step 1:
Cut the fruit in half.

Step 2:
Spoon out the seeds, and eat!  You don't need to spit out the seeds.  Enjoy!

I know that it looks a bit weird inside, but do not be put off by the colour of the inside of the fruit.  It tastes a bit sweet, but more tangy/sour and it smells really good.  It's very juicy!  I often drink passion fruit juice here.

Passion fruit also has health benefits.  It contains lycopene, is a great source of vitamin C, and is also good for people with high blood pressure.  Have you ever tried passion fruit before?


  1. Passion fruit juice is delicious, but I've never had the fruit on its own before! I bought a dragon fruit the other day and I was disappointed. Maybe I got a bad one, but to me it tasted like nothing :(

    1. Did you read the post on mangosteen? You'd like that one for sure... it's tasty!

  2. Dragon fruit was disappointing to me at first. I've learned to appreciate it. Some of them taste more bland than others. It isn't the most flavourful fruit.
