Tuesday 28 February 2012

30 before 30

Do you like travelling?  I do.  So much, in fact, that I LOVE it!  It really consumes a great portion of my life.  A few years ago I came across a travel blog on the internet.  The author of the blog was striving to reach 30 countries before the age of 30.  It is a lofty goal, but I thought it would be fun to try for the same.  I have met a few other people that have this goal.  I have been to 25 countries so far.  I do not count airport stopovers and I'm still debating about whether to include Hong Kong as a separate country.  I also can't bring myself to count the Vatican as a country, although some people argue that it is.  I'm turning 29 in April, so this goal will definitely be a challenge.  Do you think I can do it?
The list so far...

1.  Canada
2.  USA
3.  Mexico
4.  France
5.  Spain
6.  Italy
7.  Greece
8.  Turkey
9.  England
10.  Switzerland
11.  Germany
12.  Netherlands
13.  Iceland
14.  South Korea
15.  Japan
16.  China
17.  Malaysia
18.  Vietnam
19.  Cambodia
20.  Thailand
21.  Singapore
22.  Laos
23.  Indonesia
24.  India
25.  Philippines

I think I need to hit up some new corners of the world because I have definitely done the grand tour of Southeast Asia!  Passport is almost full now... need to get a new one when I go home to Canada this summer!


  1. Wow!! And some of those countries have had repeat visits! You are absolutely capable of getting 30 by 30!! You have over a year to do it! Take an unusual route home and do some stopovers in places you'd like to see, and perhaps the same when you go back to Vietnam for year 2. I'm going to look at a world map and send you my ideas. :)

    1. Unfortunately I can't take an unusual route home or back to Vietnam. My flight is arranged by the school and it is only HCMC - Toronto, on Cathay Pacific Airlines! Next year will be busy for travel... :)

  2. That is amazing! Did nor realize that all of your travels added up to that number. How about Australia? It is in your "neck of the woods", as they say, right? Way to go Angela!

    1. Would love to go to Australia and New Zealand at some point... maybe next year for the winter break? Hmmm...

  3. I think what will help is if you can hit South America. You can totally hit 5 countries easy. Oz would be great, and should try while you're on that end already.

    Go for it!!

    1. I would love to hit up South America. I don't know if it will happen within the next year though! Only time will tell.

  4. You're so close! And also getting old hahaha. What about Australia and Fiji?? They're pretty close to where you are, and that's two more to add to the list!

    1. I would love to go to those places. That's the problem though... I want to go EVERYWHERE!!!
