Saturday 4 February 2012

Over 1000 views!

Wow, this blog has reached over 1000 views.  Thanks for reading!

In celebration of reaching this number, I will send something special from Vietnam via snail mail to the 1st person to comment on this post.

Please leave a comment on this post, and don't forget to include your name!!!  :)


  1. Yaaay! I win the prize! As usual, love your blog!

  2. "You win, you always do!!!"

    I will send you the prize soon.

  3. Oh no, I lost! Can you still send me something? :)

  4. Yay!!! 1,000 is great! I know I didn't win the prize, but that's okay, because I think your parents will get it some time in the summer - maybe you should deliver it yourself? :) Love and kisses from the COLD continent, your home and native land: Canada! Love, the Elliott Girls xoxox

  5. Haha... hopefully you receive the prize, despite the horrible post system here! :)
