Saturday 25 February 2012

Happy birthday John!

A few days ago we celebrated John's birthday.  His grade 3 coworkers wrote/read a poem for him on the morning announcements and he received lots of chocolate from his students after dropping many hints that his birthday was coming, ha ha!

In the evening, we went for dinner at our favourite Korean restaurant and then headed to the home of some colleagues who host a "Bridge Night" every 2 weeks.  We are attempting to learn how to play Bridge.  The game itself is not too bad, but scoring is complicated.  Anyway, John joked that he was really getting old since he was going to play Bridge on his birthday.

At Bridge, we surprised him with a card and sang happy birthday.  We later had some friends over to eat a delicious carrot cake with cream cheese frosting that I had ordered.  It said "Happy birthday John, live strong" (the joke is that he always wears a Live Strong t-shirt on gym days).  Anyway, it was really fun and he had a great day.


  1. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birrrrthday, dear John Elliott, happy birthday to you.....and many more!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh mother, I can almost hear you singing "and many moreeee!" hahaha.

  3. Happy, happy birthday to John!!! Tell him playing bridge is not a sign of getting old, it's a sign of intelligent brain exercise!
    "And many more..." is absolutely your mother's trademark, Angela!! We all wait for it - most recently, at mine :)

  4. That cake looks super yummy! Was it hard to find a carrot cake in Vietnam? Happy belated birthday John!
